In a world where technology is everchanging, our goal at TAG is to bring you innovative, unique, and simply put, “cool” products.

At TAG we only acquire creations based on superiority and excellence, always best in class.

Our research teams is committed to unearth treasures to keep you always wondering what gem will TAG present next. Experience and relationships are everything to us at Tag. From your first step through our door we endeavor to create an experience is not only warm and inviting but also inspiring. We take pride in having the finest Italian coffee and freshly made espresso at our Cappuccino King Bar to ensure your experience is the best it can be and presented to you by one of our dedicated teammates.

Mission Statement

To provide sustainable transportation alternatives to the North American market.

Vision Statement

Tag Intercontinental sources quality products to reduce carbon footprints while inspiring entrepreneurs to pursue innovative business opportunities.

Our Values

People: We invest in employees through ongoing training and community involvement.

Innovation: We embrace innovation that fosters sustainability, green initiatives, and the reduction in greenhouse emissions.

Heritage: While innovation is our main stay, we value the history and natural evolution of products.

Our Awesome Team

Gennaro Silvestri – CEO

More than 32 years Sales/Marketing and Management experience

Main responsibilities: overseeing day to day operations, sales and marketing, business planning and development, establish and maintain dealer network, customer service, office/employee management, production, global sourcing.

Tiffany Armitage – COO

More than 30+ years experience in operations and business development.

More than 28 years as a successful business owner, main responsibilities: business planning and business development, production, purchasing, imports/exports, highly focused on Italian products, sales and marketing, office/employee management.
